Thursday, April 03, 2008

Chicken lasagna

In a continuation of my dietary diatribe, I have just been confronted by one of the worlds most misguided culinary concoctions: Chicken lasagna

I couldn't find a picture of anything as unappetising as the dish I am describing - sorry!

Two things sprang immediately to mind as I helped myself to a splat of the orange gunge that constituted lunch today: The first was that this would not be a memorable meal for any good reasons and the second was to be thankful that the visiting Italians had gone home before they were subjected to this affront to their cuisine.

If I were forced to guess as to how this dish had been made, then it would be

  1. Put a layer of lasagna in a dish
  2. Place cheap watery chicken breasts over the lasagna
  3. Pour over several tins of cheap cream of tomato soup
  4. Cover with another layer of lasagna
  5. Top with packet white sauce and some grated cheese
  6. Cook for too long in a medium hot oven
  7. Serve

This is fusion cuisine gone wrong on every level

When looking for a picture of disgusting chicken, this little chap turned up. I feel a bit sorry for him really and he must be cold most of the time. He deserves better than to be turned into lasagna, at least he could be deep fried or made into a nice curry...


  1. Anonymous10:52 pm

    I totally agree.
    Pasts with tuna comes a close second.
    Bacon, mushrooms, veg, sausage or red meat.
    We had salad with lardons & croutons followed by beef stew & dumplings
    On the coffee now.

  2. Anonymous11:06 pm

    Pluck me - it's cold!!

    Many thanks for the Bourne Trillogy- he is hailed as better than Bond..... I will let you know.


  3. Anonymous7:47 am

    Sacre bleu, lasagne with chicken. Garfield.
    Is that a Buff Orpington ?

  4. How 'bout spaghetti with hot dogs? I am NO fan of chicken with sauces.
