Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Tennis Rackets

It took us a while to get around to finding a tennis shop, but we managed it today in Hellerup. As a result Mum (who blogs here) owns a Prince O3 blue tennis racket and is all set to hit the courts when she gets back home. We are looking forward to tales of tennis, tea and something else beginning with T such as Tupperware, Tablecloths or Tricycles...
I can't wait.
By the way, please note that there was an appalling spelling mistake in Gill's Elevensies original URL and she can now be found at the correct spelling www.gillselevenses.blogspot.com
For today only, it may be worth a visit as I have donated some photographs!


  1. Anonymous8:29 pm

    I am assured tales of tennis are extremely boring, just ask my children. They also seem to think that people who play tennis are somewhat lacking in something better to do (it's alright for a knock about on a hot day,trying to hit everyone else off the court), although given that their grandparents met at a tennis club may make them appreciate they owe their entire existence to the sport. I hear upon the grapevine that dick and tim have recently purchased new raquets.At last a sign of maturity. ajen

  2. Anonymous8:44 pm

    Mom could try Training- with her GPS/ heart rate monitor?

  3. Anonymous9:37 pm

    She will!
    I gave the heart monitor a bit of duff info & have to re-programme.
    (I told the watch that I didn't have a hrm)
    The racquet is great; blue, with aerodynamic holes & recommended for someone who last played competently with a wooden racquet, some years ago!
    I think that W's spelling may be significant!
    I had a lovely am on the beach, throwing stones in the sea with J & finished the day with a barbeque.
    Many thanks to W & K.

  4. Anonymous9:48 pm

    TTTTT Trivia!

  5. Anonymous10:10 pm


  6. Anonymous11:44 pm

    I have to challenge you on the tennis raquet claim - I remember buying at least one metal one with you when they were first seen at Wimbledon. At that stage, a member of Coleshill Tennis Club, you were plenty competent.
    I am surprised you ever gave up.

  7. Anonymous7:40 pm

    Poetic licence - I had a steel racquet at college, one of the first.
    It was really good. (still in the porch)
    I gave up because we moved & had an old house & enormous garden to sort out.
    Anyway, a new era......
