Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Winter Chill

I got back to the airport on time yesterday, but then had to wait 20 minutes for the bike frame to come through and another 30 minutes for a bus to the car park as there were some problems with traffic at the round about up the road. This mean that I didn't get home until after midnight.

Tonight I am looking forward to starting to build up my new bike in the basement, I should ride one of the others on the trainer first as it is a while since my cheeks were in the saddle.

The exciting news from DK is that the place is white over is about 3cm of snow, apparently it will be rather cold tonight but then warm up again tomorrow. Here is the view out of the office window.

Some people are having a better time with sand between their toes.


  1. Anonymous3:27 pm

    what news of MK, DK & J?
    wrm - with sand twist his toes and a touch of sunburn.

  2. It seems that everyone is fine. One of DKs feet is fixed and the other almost, we are not sure if he'll need another cast or not this week. Find out tomorrow. MK said that his corrected foot looked nice and normal, I can't wait to see them. He is feeding and doing fine and even rolled over on his own yesterday. J is getting better at English being over there as well which is nice for me.
