Friday, November 07, 2008

A plan's coming together

In my head at least...
My aim is to raise some money to help educate doctors in developing countries to learn to use the Ponseti method for correcting club feet. There are a few charities doing this and I will have a look at them to decide which one I want to raise funds for.

The next challenge is how to raise the money. For the time being I am going to try to get entered in the Trans Austria bike race in September which is a pretty tough 7 day race across Austria (no surprise there) that you enter in pairs. The next part of the challenge is to find a willing and able partner, my first contact is the father of another baby who was born with a club foot who is a keen cyclist. I have no idea if he will be interested, but I'm asking anyway. My initial idea is to sell the advertising space on our Jerseys each day in return for a bit or corporate love and some exposure (hopefully media, not the riders).

The first big hurdle is to get into the race, last time I tried to enter something like this I was 10 minutes late getting to the computer and ended up 600 or so places down the waiting list.

Is there any chance of this working?


  1. Is Denmark a developing country?
    Sounds like an excellent idea - you have my support!

  2. Anonymous12:27 am

    I'm free next September & think of how much advertising space you could sell on my shirt.
    I only do flat or downhill with a following wind.
    Would this be a problem?
    aj does a bit of cycling to work & home, she's another possibility.m

  3. Anonymous12:07 am

    There are all chances of it working, because of the great and noble intention! There are no accidents and since everything happens for a reason, there is much good to come out of all these challenging times, you'll see.
