Thursday, September 04, 2008

Good report

I have been flossing every other day or so since my last trip to the dentists. Last time there was too much scraping and pain and bleeding gums but this time things were much better. The only complaint this time was that I apparently brush too hard and my gums are receding a little in places.

We're loving the new car, I can't really believe it's ours!

The trip to the cleft palate centre was something of a disappointment yesterday. DK does have a cleft palate and it will be operated on when he is 14 months old to close the hole. We already knew that so that was it.

We're not looking forward to the operation, but we can't help thinking that we got away lightly with the cleft palate although there are lots of things that will develop over time because the operation can affect DKs learning to speak and there are potential problems with where how and when his teeth come through...


  1. Anonymous11:53 pm

    Receding gums =age (never look a gift horse in the mouth)
    You'll have the lettuce grin next.
    Surely D enjoying the new car.
    m's palette is only a minor problem.
    Glad that you are

  2. Rededing gums only in one place each side apparently from bruching too hard. If you are a dentist, then maybe you know better!
    D doesn't know about new cars, but J likes it. M's palate????
    Glad you are what?

  3. Anonymous8:07 am


  4. Anonymous10:48 am

    Does 'bruching' too hard involve over indulging in overbaked Italian antipasta?

    Hence the expression 'long in the tooth'. Receding hair and gums - what a combination!
    What's next part to start deteriorating - some serious worry potential there to chafe about over the grey season W!.
