Monday, February 04, 2008

Weigh in

I have just done my evenings workout and weighed myself. This week I am 97,0kg and 26% fat apparently which is only 200g less than last week and that is cheating weighing really as it was just after an hour of exercise with plenty of fluid loss.

I have been exercising pretty consistently for a couple of weeks now 5 times per week and I feel better for it. However, I think I have been eating more to compensate and I need to do something about that. Days like today are a challenge because I have been stuck at home with J which is a little boring when he is sick and lolling around so I have had to exercise some extreme restraint not to eat too much. Hopefully the coming week will see a little more weight loss...


  1. Anonymous11:12 pm

    Well done with the weight loss - you have to take results over a long time scale, in your case, from what I recall, to allow for the effect of bowel movements (& fluid variance).
    I've done a good workout with the dyson & another at the gym & had to have tea & a muffin at M&S inbetween!

  2. Anonymous11:12 pm

    Well done with the weight loss - you have to take results over a long time scale, in your case, from what I recall, to allow for the effect of bowel movements (& fluid variance).
    I've done a good workout with the dyson & another at the gym & had to have tea & a muffin at M&S inbetween!
