Monday, February 11, 2008


Roskilde didn't fail to dissapoint with it's grey weather, charmless inhabitants and limited choices for lunch. We also had the pleasure of a bad tempered toddler combined with a intolerant father.

We did get some lunch though...

Anyway we did manage to get something to eat and I think the others enjoyed themselves as much as they could given that I was there...
Here is Gills Elevenses being updated


  1. Anonymous12:54 pm

    As a mother and wife and since I was there I feel the need to correct a few things: The weather was actually nice - we had a great view over the Roskilde Fjord from outside the cathedral, both Jeremy and William behaved quite well (Jeremy maybe slightly better than his father their age considered), the cafe where we had lunch was nice and so was the food and coffee.
    William just wants a NEW bicycle...

  2. It was OK and the food was fine. I don't want a new bike, I need one!

  3. Anonymous2:23 pm

    I was there as well, as a mother, mother-in-law & granny & I agree with MK.
    The weather was lovely, mild & bright, & lunch was great.
    J merely has no sense of direction (I can sympathise with this) & little sense of urgency.
    Chill, Will!

  4. Anonymous3:20 pm

    79.9kg for wrm today 176 lb

  5. Anonymous2:33 am

    I see you both share a family talent for poor posture!
