Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Weighing in

Thanks for all the comments about the baby, both MK and I seem to think that it will be another boy, but I was wrong last time. We bought lots of neutral coloured clothes last time so we are at least a little prepared for whatever comes out as long as it is healthy.

I had been pretty good with my controlled intake of lard over the last week until Sunday when we ate at MKs grandparents - Farmor and Mormor, then it went a little out of the window with 2 pieces of creamy birthday cake. Monday was not much better with half a bar of Lindt Creme Brulle ending up in my stomach.

However, I am determined to fight on and try to find some time to exercise as well as eat better. I weighed myself on Saturday and was 109 kg (and 26% fat as I recall) so that was a loss of o,8kg for the week but I fear that may have returned in the last 2 days. However, so far you are safe from seeing me in my pants.

Apparently we are to be allowed to use the gym at our clients rather swanky office in Aalborg so I am hoping to get at least a bit of exercise this week although I have my outdoor running stuff with me as well.


  1. Anonymous5:53 pm

    Don't worry William, come July the weight will just drop off, as having two children to run around after seems to have that effect! I should eat what I like til then if I were you


  2. Anonymous5:53 pm

    Don't worry William, come July the weight will just drop off, as having two children to run around after seems to have that effect! I should eat what I like til then if I were you


  3. Anonymous10:19 pm

    If you can do the breastfeeding you will be a shadow of your former self & MK will be able to sleep through the night.
    Have a word with your health visitor.
    I have lost a lb, now 12 st 7lb. I think that this is a blip as we have eaten well & my trousers feel tight.

  4. Anonymous11:15 pm

    congratulations if a little late have bin occupied.ajen
