Wednesday, January 02, 2008

New Year Revolution

Well I doubt that there will be a revolution really, but you never know...

I have just checked to see that I didn't make any big promises at the start of 2007 and am relieved to see that I didn't.

I did complete the 270km bike race in Belgium in April and continued to train at a half reasonable level for the 24 hour mountainbike race in the summer but that had to be cut short after only 3½ hours due to the awful conditions ruining our bikes.

Otherwise I didn't make any brave public promises that I could fail to keep. This year I am not going to learn from that piece of prudence, so here are the unattainable and non-binding goals for 2008:
  1. Having just put on my dinner jacket suit trousers to check that they still fit, I am appalled to reveal that doing them up requires a lot of breathing in and wearing them for the whole evening will be torture. (perhaps this will stop me spending too much time in the Casino in Monte Carlo at the weekend...) So first goal, surprise surprise is to lose some weight. I will post my weight here each Monday morning starting next week and face the ridicule. Anyone else is free to post their weight in the comments section, but please use Kg so that we can compare apples with apples or Mars Bars with Mars Bars... My target weight by the start of the cycling season is 95kg. I have no idea of my current status, but I guess over 105kg. If the figure is higher at the end of any month than it was at the beginning of the month then I will have to post a photograph of myself looking miserable in my underpants (you should hope that this works!)

  2. I planned to spend some time exercising whilst I was off work fitting the kitchen, this didn't happen so I am starting from very unfit and hope to improve from there to a state where I can consider racing my bike again around Easter. To that end I will join the Ringsted Bike club (Team Cycling Ringsted), you never know, I may even make a friend of some sort.

  3. I am going to paint the windows outside the house this year

  4. I am going to take running kit with me when I stay in hotels so that I can run for 45 minutes or so as I used to instead of drinking an extra beer as I have taken to doing recently

  5. I will try to post more blog entries than 2007 (286 I think) so there is not a lot of room for slacking there

Tomorrow morning I am off on a super jolly with my new company, we are skiing in Isola 200 for the day on Friday

and on Saturday night we are in Monte Carlo for a fancy dinner thing and then going to the Casino.


  1. Anonymous3:27 pm

    Sounds like a good idea.We should get the other tubbies to do the same
    Why can't you post your mass in stones & pounds - REMEMBER YOUR ROOTES!
    I got stuck in upper case there.
    Thmas is on my knee, fascinated by my typing.
    Enjoy the jaunt.

  2. Anonymous9:58 pm

    Pleased to hear you are spending your client's hard earned funds so wisely. Tough life being a consultant. Seems to consist of about 50% jollys at present!
