Friday, January 18, 2008

Back in Copenhagen

This is a picture of the beach that our office looks out over, however today is very grey and rainy and not very warm so it is 93% less attractive than this picture.

I have been forced into my office today with the promise of a health check from the company including tests for cholesterol, triglycerides or whatever they are and a whole host of things that are intended to predict the likelihood of my popping my clogs in the near future.
I have never had these tests done before and am curious as to what the results will be.
It is often pointed out to me that my resistance to eating fruit means that I am missing an essential part of "a balanced diet" but I like to think that I east reasonably well. That is however, only what I like to think and not necessarily the truth of the matter. I suspect that I am about to get a nasty shock, but I suppose time will tell.
So far the worst part of this testing has been the 4 hours on only water that I have had to endure before I have the test at 11:00 although the only impact has really been no coffee and and the continuation of the background hunger that I have been trying hard to maintain for the last couple of weeks. I think I am getting used to being a bit peckish which is a good thing as I think I need to lose 15kg (nearly 2½ stone). I think the results will take a while to arrive, but rest assured that I'll publish them when I have them...


  1. Anonymous12:26 am

    belated congrats on the pending Millard. Your mother is asleep having had an evening parking tigers which I take to be the bug that is flying about. (P had it on Thursday.)
    your results are not bad - I'd be v pleased with 23%fat or even something in the 20's! My BP whilst still on these wretched pills (awaiting hospital tt results is down in the 110s/high 70s. Don't recommend it, stand up fast for a blackout!! Left to its own it has always been 'high normal range and up when being tested at the docs.
    I have the pre-xmas pain down as 'heartburn' i.e. indigestion which the pills are making worse if anything. Sooner I get to the quack to get results of treadmill and get off them the better.
    That's quite a list of names - more after thought this end on that I'm sure. G

  2. Anonymous12:36 am

    Don't gert hung up on the BMI balls re weight. A bit of 'lard' is no bad thing in the winter so long as you are burning it up when you can exercise. Prog last night ould have it that an extra biscuit a day for 15 years would add 70lbs.
    Intake control it seems is the answer fruit ensures a rapid throughput and exit = less absorbtion. And more time to read.

  3. Anonymous11:39 am

    \I know that beach.
    J & I spent an afternoon there last summer, paddling.
