Thursday, January 29, 2009

The futility of blogging

There are some people who get paid to blog and there are others who have some influence either on society in general or a specific little niche about which they write. I fear that I fit into neither of these categories. I believe I fall into the category of bloggers without significance. (This is not self pity, I am quite happy with the blogging "space" that I occupy.)

Each year the Bloggies award prizes to all manner of different blogs based on their geography, subject matter or any number of other categories

A brief glance at the list of winners will immediately make it clear that blogs about family life rarely make the grade, that is unless they are extremely well written and generally stay on-topic.

Mine is neither well written nor specific in it's subject matter. I just hope that the 50-100 visits that I seem to get each day are not considered a total waste of time, that is until they create a category of "Best average family based blog with a side interest in cycling written by an English guy". Then I may be in for a shout in the longevity sub-category.

Finally, we are really happy with the news that DK will only be in his brace for another month full time before cutting down to sleeping time only. I think he will be really happy with the extra freedom and will be propelling himself around the house in no time.


  1. Anonymous7:07 pm

    Your blog's never a waste of time-

  2. Anonymous8:02 pm

    Says who? Never is a long time!.

  3. Anonymous10:20 pm

    Do they have a group for "best sad granny blog"?
    Perhaps I have an effect on this small "niche in society"
    Yours is well written & intuitive & I'm sure that we all enjoy reading it & seeing the photos.
    Great news about dear little DK.
