Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Cranking it up a notch

I with the exception of last Tuesday when a work incident got in the way, I have pretty much been following my training plan for a couple of weeks now. I went to the Chiropractor on Friday for my quarterly clicking and I have even been going to bed earlier.

The result? My weight has not changed for a week and my neck and back are very stiff and aching. WTF is that all about?

In order to try and make some progress in the right direction (feeling better and getting lighter) I am going to do two things.

Firstly I will have to try and exercise some more stringent portion control and secondly I am going to try to do some core strength exercises 3 times a week based on these body weight exercises for cyclists. I'll report back on progress with these in a couple of weeks.

More immediately I need to decide how to have my hair cut this evening. I am toying with the following:

What a sh!t-head!


  1. Anonymous11:18 pm

    Can you have your hair cut longer?
    I do hope that you didn't go for a carved "M" on the back.

  2. I had a sensible haircut in the end. No shock there then!
