Wednesday, March 12, 2008

There will be blood

I had a evening alone in Aalborg last night so after a tortured visit to the gym during which I had to endure Guns 'n' Roses at full blast on repeat for nearly an hour I decided to treat myself with a trip to the cinema

This is not a film for those looking for some light hearted fun (or a light romantic comedy for that matter) but it is quite astonishing.

The film follows the life of Daniel Plainview who is an oil-man in California as the oil industry is being born and his fight to succeed in a rather cut-throat manner. I don't want to give too much away in case any of you want to see it.

Daniel Day Lewis is absolutely incredible and carries the whole film as there is barely a scene without him. That is not to say that the other actors are poor, just that in the end you'll only really remember him.

I left not feeling inspired or uplifted, just a little numb having seen this mans life portrayed in such an intense way that it was almost exhausting. My recommendations may not be worth a great deal given the Oscars success that the film has had, but now that I reflect on it a day later, I can see that it really is a remarkable film.


  1. Anonymous9:09 am

    Good Morning.
    I am a little early for school this morning.
    Very blustery today following a night of near gales, so no point spending long on the hair (my excuse for the day!)
    Have a good day.

  2. Anonymous12:14 pm

    You've just saved me the cost of a trip to the cinema.Looks very dark, I like a bit of contrast. ajen

  3. the film isn't really dark, but it is intense. there is in fact a lot of sunshine so in some ways it is very bright although i guess it could be argued that the oil is dark and there is plenty of that.

  4. Anonymous8:10 pm

    If it's too dark, I think it's night time and I just fall asleep, similarly if it's too long. aj

  5. Anonymous8:18 pm

    Go for the light romantic comedy, that will keep you awake.
