Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I have never been very good at making myself go to bed or at falling asleep when I get there. Thankfully I have gradually learned that life is much more enjoyable on 8 hours sleep per night than it is with only 6 hours although sometimes I forget, or something distracts me.

For the last couple of nights, I have been distracted by exciting things on the TV, firstly on Sunday there was a Darren Brown program which went on too late and then last night there was live coverage of the US pro cycling challenge race being held in Colorado that I couldn't help watching. I then spent quite a long time trying to find a mosquito that I could hear when the lights were out, but not see when the lights were on.

Tonight I'm not going to turn the TV on to avoid the problem, I also have my first guitar lesson this evening to keep me out of mischief. I'll report on that tomorrow.

J is sleeping without a nappy now. We have had 2 dry nights (I carry him to the toilet before I go to bed and try to get him emptied before putting him back in his bed) so it has been reasonably successful although it seems that there was an accident at some point last night.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:10 pm

    I am At guitar tonight as well tonight CEng
