Monday, November 29, 2010

Snow snow snow

We have 12-15 inches of snow here now. Many of the counties have announced that they are not clearing snow until January because they used their snow budget up last winter. As a result I turned around and came home again this morning before I got to the motorway.

We had a great Christmas party day on Friday. We went to a dirt race track in the snow and ice and spent the day racing around in a colection of old Astras. I've never raced a car on ice before and it was acutally much easier than I expected, I suspect because the surface under the ice was not completely flat.

Anyway I drove in 2 races and won both of them despite the fact that I managed to stall twise trying to get off the line in the first race.

The sun shone all day (well as long as it does here in the winter - not that long) and that made the -7C just about bearable. I was happy to have brought a LOT of clothing with me along with a hat and gloves.

The evening do was the usual marathon of drinking and eating which I tried hard not to get  lost in too deeeply. Thankfully I wasn't too bad on Saturday morning and a brisk, hour long march around the lake in Viborg helped to clear my head and gave me a chance to chat with some people I don't get to see too often.

Sunday was spent putting the winter tyres on the Mazda and making a chicken pie for dinner to go with my invention of the year so far - a bread and butter pudding made with a bag of day old danish pastries I got cheap in the supermarket.

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