Thursday, November 04, 2010


I went to the physio yesterday afternoon to find out if my Pilates has been helping or hindering the recovery of my back. He seemed fairly impressed that I could do all these fancy Pilates moves, but in the end it seems that the repetitive folding myself in half isn't really the right thing to do with my specific problem. Then what? We set about creating a new routine for me to do a few times a week to get more of a workout for my core than just the static and stretching exercises that I have been doing until now.

So I am now supposed to spend 5 minutes each day crawling around on the floor and then do some rather difficult exercises on a Swiss Ball. I had never really used one before and I was a little apprehensive about simply rolling off it onto the floor, but it was fine. I think it will be fun doing these exercises and maybe getting a few new ones to do as time goes by.
Less fun where the squats and lifts that he wants me to do. I need to learn to bend and crouch better so I have to do these exercises. I was a bit wobbly walking by the time I left the place yesterday and my legs are aching this morning. I think there is a lot of work to be done on that, but it is good to know that I can move on with some new challenges.

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