Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Pizza Feast

OK, this will be the last food content for a while, but last nights pizzas deserve a mention. We ha´d a big takeaway order from Italy Italy and they were excellent as ever.

The in-laws came for dinner last night bearing more gifts. The list obviously worked somewhere along the line because I got these from T&B and the ingredients for a drill from K&L. (J and I are off to look for drills this afternoon...)

T&B also gave me a voucher for the new fitness centre in town, obviously I have not been hiding my newly enlarged love handles as well as I hoped (MK thinks that B is worried I won't be in shape to cycle with him next summer at this rate...)
I had a very nice realcing birthday this year and thankyou everyone for everything.
I have been getting back into the groove with the exercise in the last week or so and am enjoying getting out of breath again (a good job really as it happens much sooner than it used to).

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:13 am

    I think it was a very nice birthday as well. I got flowers and to see the official wedding photos from K&L's wedding in August (the 4 days it was summer in Denmark!). J got a candle/number train to use for his birthday - I'm sure photos will follow in about a month.
