Monday, January 22, 2007

Sorry for the delay

I have not been posting very regularly for the last 10 days or so as I have been travelling (as I somewhat tediously documented)

Anyway things are looking up (I am off to Hamburg again tomorrow by the way)

We had a great shopping trip at the weekend to the sales. MK found a bargain 500Kr soap dispenser...

J is walking quite a lot now which is pretty cool and it has been snowing all day here which is nice for a change, but not for MK who spent 4 hours in the car getting to and from work today.

I also made Yorkshire puddings for the first time ever and they were pretty good (thankfully)


  1. Anonymous9:51 pm

    Lovely picture of J (soap dispenser's not bad either)
    Ice here today, freezing tonight.
    More log fires!

  2. You have got to be joking. That is the first time you've made yorkshire puddings. Good effort they look almost northern.
