Friday, January 12, 2007

Frustration and Disappointment

There is actually not as much reason to be disappointed as frustrated this morning. I had an appointment with a company who are interested in investing in my PhD at the business school. Unfortunately I received a phone call on the way there to say that the guy is sick so we will have to re-schedule. I am out of the country all of next week, so at the very best this is yet another 2 weeks delay. We just hope that it is not a change of heart on his part before even meeting us...

On a happier note, this is the last day of the 7 day set diet. It was very difficult to eat the spicy soup for breakfast today and I am looking forward to something more normal tomorrow (although less of it than usual, but more on that another time). This morning I was 4,4kg (approx 9lbs I guess) lighter than last Saturday morning. Today is brown rice and vegetables, but tomorrow I get to go out for dinner!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:23 pm

    Well I think that you are doing very well with your diet, even if no-one else comments.
    Perhaps you should give K a 10 minute start at mealtimes so that there would be less left for you.
