Thursday, January 18, 2007

Quick update

A 5 minute google search has led me to the following, rather predicatble conclusion: Stress related problem (maybe even a syndrome for one of my readers!) that you can read about here:

Guess I need to relax then.

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  1. Anonymous6:32 pm

    There is a great quote in the book I'm reading,! can't find it or remember who it is, but along the lines of enjoying today as you may later find it to be one of the best of your life - google quiz to find this one (go for it, C eng)
    Medical info is a dangerous thing!

  2. Anonymous9:27 pm

    I thought Ben was a Pb engineer,like your mother's plumbing, but realise he is simply ahead of the field.
    Either your teeth have got out of practise while you were having a liquid diet or they are refusing food until they know which country they are in and can recognise it,to deal with it in a suitable manner.Check for polonium and retreat to the sofa on the grounds of a conscientious objector
    to the size of your carbon footprint. ajen

  3. Anonymous11:36 pm

    Sometimes I wonder about the sanity of this family.
    Genius or nuts?
    We're watching Desmond Morris so all reactions are suspect.
    This word verification never works first time.
