Friday, March 11, 2011

Nocturnal habits and floaters

DK and J are still sleeping in the same bedroom as we haven't had a chance to move the furniture back yet. J seems to be able to sleep through almost anything so it hasn't been a problem that DK has not slept well for the last couple of nights.

Strangely (and hopefully not as a sign of problems for the future related to his bowels) DK seems to rarely fill his nappy during normal waking hours. There wasn't much action at the beginning of the week in that department and then he has filled 2 or 3 or even 4 nappies during the night for the last 2 nights. On each occasion it needs to be dealt with immediately and there is total hysteria if MK is changing him and he wants me (rare) or vice versa.

On top of that he felt the need to lay some cable in the bath that he was sharing with J last night. At least J has learned not to drink the bath water now...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:08 pm

    Perhaps he poos when he relaxes.
    No obvious solution.
