Monday, March 21, 2011


The hardest part of this so far has been getting over my sugar addiction, but I think that is starting to pass now. I had fallen in the habit of eating sweet things after dinner most evenings and I still get serious cravings after meals for something sweet.

I have stuck to the rules over the weekend which included a birthday party without cake and a 3 hour bike ride on only the scrambled eggs I'd eaten for breakfast. I have since found out that I could have eaten some carbohydrates while I was cycling, but I survived and oddly enough I was 1,6 kg lighter this morning than yesterday morning although I am well aware that I have not dropped 3lbs in 24 hours.

I am working from home today which is a good thing because I had a call from nursery at lunchtime to say that DK had a fever so could I pick him up. He is now snoring away on the sofa and will hopefully feeling better when he wakes up.


  1. Anonymous10:42 pm

    Your mum decreed that we should go on diets and lose a stone, which she has done insufferably.So I started what I thought was the You can diet, turns out it was the Dukan diet-which keeps french ladies thin. Eating fish, meat and fat free yoghurt I have lost 7lb in 7 days, and quite uncharacteristically would love to see a vegetable on my plate. aj

  2. Anonymous6:20 pm

    I'll test that this weekend.
    You certainly can't poo 3.4lb.
    I've just remembered, perhaps you can.
