Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Now to move the furniture back

It has been great to have M&J visiting for the last week and the timing was prefect to help look after DK whilst he had chicken pox.

I delivered them to the airport this morning accompanied by DK and we have now returned home for me to do some work and him to continue not being at nursery. We are expecting him to be back tomorrow though so that we can get back to the office. I also have to do a lot of Danish homework before my next lesson tomorrow...


  1. Anonymous3:50 pm

    What does the title mean?

  2. It means I missed a w off now

  3. Anonymous10:47 pm

    It means that W had to put J's bed in DK's room & the very large bed settee in J's room for G & J.

    Thanks for lending us your room, J & thanks for a lovely week.
