Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Social Gaff

Last night I was invited to eat with my colleague's house with his family. He took the train to work so that we could go to his house in our car and thus avoid the complicated navigation that would otherwise have been required.

He has a lovely house and it was very interesting to meet and talk to his wife who is a lecturer in Chinese at Copenhagen University. All in all it was a pleasant evening

My mistake was that I forgot to take anything with me to say thank you. I only realised when I was going home that I should at least have taken a bottle of wine, but I forgot and I suppose that it is too late now. I guess we'll just have to invite them to eat with us some time and then they can return the favour of not bringing a gift.


  1. Anonymous5:20 pm

    No, problem you just order a flower on the e-bay....

  2. Anonymous11:48 pm

    And send a thank you card - not often done - the English way to show appreciation.
