Thursday, June 03, 2010

Sun at last

We ate outside last night for only the second time this year and it was actually rather nice. Considering how cold and wet it had been the night before there was a huge improvement.

I am continuing to weigh myself each morning and my weight seems to be fairly stable. I think I have gained a little muscle mass from cycling more again and from doing Pilates, but I don't seem to be losing anything appreciable in terms of fat. I suspect that I know the reason for this. I am addicted to sugar. I don't eat too much of the stuff, none at breakfast (oats and dreadful Scandinavian muesli), more or less none at lunch (rye bread and stuff) and then I have to get to and through dinner.

There are cakes and pastries sitting around at work every day and it is all to easy to just eat half of one (and often sneak back for the other half later) at some point during the morning and then I have to manage to get out of the office without eating any more before running the gauntlet of the kitchen at home before supper. That last half hour before we eat is a struggle to control myself and I think I fail more often then I succeed in resisting the temptation to eat something. After that there is the strain of the evening without eating anything else that I shouldn't, but I am not too bad at controlling that these days.

When I look at it in these terms, it looks like the problem must be more related to eating too much at meal times and that may well be the case, but I am sure that avoiding the sweet little temptations during the day should be where I am focusing for now.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:12 am

    I thought that the calories didn't count if you eat them in bits, rather than a whole,
