Saturday, August 02, 2008

We're back from the seaside...

and we've got some pictures.

Firstly DK had his casts changed again and as you can see here, there is a marked improvement. The hands manipulating his feet belong to the doctor, she was happy with his progress and we will be back for more on Monday morning.

J is in the process of potty training, some days have been better than others and we are not entirely sure that we are making progress. This morning he decided to put on all of his clean pants at the same time, 5 minutes later we had 4 dirty pairs and no clean ones...

This afternoon J and I took our maiden voyage with the bike trailer and it was a big hit. We are planning another trip tomorrow that may involve some ice cream at some point.

And finally as Sir Trevor has been known to say, I have caught up with some sleep along with the smallest member of the family.


  1. Anonymous3:16 am

    Totally amazing how much D's feet have changed, wonderful to see the progress!


  2. Anonymous7:05 pm

    D's feet look so much improved.
    I'm glad that the"co-sleeping", as Gina would say, has worked well.
    He may settle for "lone-sleeping" by his next birthday (W, that is).

    Get J's rides in the trailer tie-in with dry pants.
    Children are very susceptible to bribery- we all are(I'd keep my pants dry not to have to ride in it!)

  3. Hi guys, I'm happy to hear things are going well, Em had a cleft pallet when she was born and she said she would be happy to talk to you about stuff if you like.
    The trailer looks and sounds great the wet pants not as good.
