Monday, August 18, 2008

PRINCE 2 and the boys

I had a tough first day back at work today with a full day PRINCE 2 course. PRINCE 2 (PRojects IN a Controlled Environment 2) is a project management methodology much like the others that I have been taught and am certified in. Just like the others, it uses exactly the same ideas packaged in it's own jargon, silly names and BS.

This was just an introduction day, we were given about 25kg of paper to read before the real course which is a 3 day residential jobby in September at the place above in Helsingør. Joy.

J's potty training is going fairly well although we are still having a few accidents and we are still working on removing sjøper (sut/dummy/pacifyer). DK also had his casts changed today and it seems that the doctor is a little concerned that progress is slow. I am a bit annoyed that the physiotherapists have been doing most of the casting that is a doctors job and I think that is why it has not progressed much. I am going to try to insist that the doctor does it from now on because I don't want to be told that they give up in a few weeks and we have to head off to Iowa.


  1. Anonymous10:02 pm

    Ahh, the old PRINCE 2 way of life. I had to suffer 10 days of APMP (Association of Project Managers Pathway)training- but we did not get to do the exam..... some of out partner company's guys took it and all failed!!

    Back pass sir?

    Hope that D's casting gets going again.


  2. Anonymous8:26 am

    Does having ywo sons who are "princes" make me an old queen?
