Thursday, August 21, 2008

Our new Porsche...


I have always lusted after these Porsche designed kitchen appliances and when they had the kettle for less than half price in Føtex last week, I couldn't resist getting one. I was also happy to be rid of the old kettle that was a little awkward to fill and took a lot of space.

We're happy with this and it fits on the windowsill as well.

Can you tell there isn't much going on here at the moment?

I cycled to work in an hour and a quarter this morning, that was an average speed on 35kmph as a result of the healthy tale wind. The flip side of that is that I couldn't face the ride home this evening as it was getting late and I am extremely busy and somewhat stressed at work at the moment.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:21 am

    The kettle is very good, but does not have the usual attributes you may expect of a Porsche.
