Friday, June 13, 2008

Not much happenin'

A quiet day here with a little trip to the fish monger for something for lunch. Tonight I have to prepare for the big race tomorrow. Lights are charged but that is about it. The tyres that I ordered have failed to materialise, but given that it has rained on and off for the last couple of days, the trails may not be so hard after all.

I am quite nervous about the prospect of riding for 24 hours, it is the motivating myself to keep going when I can so easily sit down and have a hot-dog instead that makes it hard. Races from A to B are easy because you stop when you get to B. These multiple lap races are another challenge altogether. I guess there'll be a report on Monday. Have a good weekend.

Check out Big William's World for some pictures...


  1. Anonymous11:46 pm

    Best of luck.
    Are you riding on rims then?

  2. Anonymous11:57 pm

    Beware early retyrement, it can leave you looking after the children.The force already appears to be with you.
