Thursday, May 26, 2011

Last notch

After eating Carpaccio and rocket for supper last night along with a couple of glasses of red whilst MK was out at a meeting, I was gratified to find my weight had fallen a little farther this morning.

The result is that I have had to pull my belt in by another notch meaning that I am on the last ones. Any further narrowing around the waist will leave me with no option other than to make new holes in my belt.

I need to get some training done tonight though to keep up the virtuous cycle I have started and I am also planning on turning the packet of dried chickpeas I put into soak last night into chickpea flower so that I can try making flatbreads. Sounds interesting huh?


  1. Anonymous3:13 pm

    The flours that bloom in the spring tra la

  2. Anonymous6:57 pm

    Can't you just buy a bag, or even a loaf?
    Surely this dieting lark should make cooking easy - salad & fish.

  3. Anonymous6:57 pm

    Can't you just buy a bag, or even a loaf?
    Surely this dieting lark should make cooking easy - salad & fish.

  4. Anonymous6:46 pm

    Positively riveting!
