Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Woops I did it again...

So J and I went up to the north coast last night to fetch a BMX. It is not a standard 20" wheel BMX, it has 24" wheels so it is really a cruiser and generally used for racing rather than tricks which is a good thing.

It feels quite big compared with how I remember BMXs feeling but I think it will be fun to play around on with J up and down the road, at the skate park and if he is interested in racing then we can try that too. The guy selling it had rather a lot of toys and had a rack of different helmets for different sports. He was interested if I was planning on racing the bike. I said I wasn't sure but I may give it a try, so he asked if I had a helmet. I don't so he gave me his for nothing which was rather nice of him and will leave me with no excuses if the opportunity arises to have a shot on the track...


  1. Anonymous11:09 pm

    Was the finance box at the bottom of your blog aimed at you?
    Does J get a BMX as well or is that the overspend for the month?

  2. I just need to point out that this bike cost about 4% of what my road bike cost - about the same as a new set of tyres and chain for one of my other bikes so it was no big extravagance.
    If J wants or needs a new bike at some point then he wil get one :-)
