Friday, October 15, 2010

Busy quiet week

In some ways it has been a busy week. House viewings, hand ball and MK out a couple of nights.
DK has flu and has had to be home the last 2 days. Yesterday MK stayed home to look after him, but this morning we were stuck so MKs dad did the honors whilst I went to a meeting then I took over whist he went to work. DK still has a high fever (39.2C) but he is drinking and eating a little so it seems to just be flu which T had last week. Now I am sitting on the sofa with J & DK waiting for MK to come home to start the weekend in style.
I have been back on some sort of calorie control this week. I have avoided sugar for the most part and tried to control what I eat in general. I am not going to lose weight fast doing this, but if I can keep it up, then maybe I will be at my racing target weight in time for the 2011 cycling season and I can get the promised race wheels if we can afford them and a new house.

I am rally looking forward to a bike ride this weekend, the weather is crisp and autumnal and we don't have plans to stop me from getting out. Hopefully a proper bike ride will give me some motivation to ride the awful trainer in the basement next week.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:14 pm

    Is it a bike rally?
    Enjoy your weekend, I hope little Dk is better.
