Thursday, November 15, 2007

Assume the position

I got that familiar feeling today when I took the car for service and tried to explain the problem with the brakes. The rear brakes are apparently not ballanced as the one side is worn to the metal and the other has not worn at all, as a consequence one disc is coroded and the other worn so they needed to be replaced. Apparently yhtis is normal wear and tear and we have to pay.
Can this be right on a 2 tyear old car with 41 000km on it?

So the cost of a 2 year service and correct the brakes that should not have needed to be fixed...
Over 5000kr or $1000 to those of you the other side of the pond.
I feel like I have been taken advantage of in the most unpleasant of ways!
Why is my spell checker only working in Danish when all of the settings are English?


  1. Anonymous7:11 pm

    I suspect the brakes have been sticking or the hand brake left on more than once!

  2. Anonymous10:47 pm

    The pleasures of motoring!. I would think that gentle braking has allowed one of the calipers to stick. Regrettably at this stage there is not a lot to do but replace the discs and pads on both sides. With luck the calipers can be freed off (usually pumped out and then wound/clamped back to the correct position) and will work properly. G

  3. Anonymous11:06 pm

    Set K on to them before you accept the bill.

  4. Anonymous6:47 pm

    Set Jeremy on to them before you accept the bill. ajen

  5. Anonymous7:44 pm

    How about setting both K & J on them before paying the bill?
    K need only drop something when she needs to emphasise a point!

  6. Anonymous5:22 am

    wind/clamp them back I say!

  7. Anonymous12:00 pm

    What des J say?

  8. Anonymous12:07 pm

    "Mere" usually
