Sunday, March 04, 2007

Busy bees

We have been very busy, well I have at least so I am sorry for the lack of posts last week.
Firstly, I am very proud of myself for making J a toy cooker so that he can use his mini pots and pans. That kept me entertained for a couple of evenings last week when I should have been cycling.

Then I had to thermo-fit (mould) the liners for my new telemark boots before heading to Laax in Switzerland for a days skiing with work.

How good do you think this bar is?


  1. Anonymous10:50 pm

    looks like it may be absolute crap, but you never know - no accounting for taste.
    Great cooker - you could always get a job with Aga if you need a change.
    Nice finish on the legs - don't know about the boots.

  2. Anonymous10:32 pm

    Perhaps they have nice toilets?
