Friday, March 16, 2007

I wonder what this does...

About 10:30 last night:

"The heating is making a lot of noise dear"

"It sounds like there is air in the radiators, I'll just bleed them"

No air came out so I went downstairs to the boiler to have a look...

Apparently what that thing does is let all of the water out of the heating system in one go...

Then I had better work out how to re-fill it then, 20 minutes later, thankfully all seemed to be well and the noise has gone.
MK is very happy now, not only is the heating quiet, but she has also found us a cleaner.


  1. Anonymous8:51 pm

    It looks like a picture from "The Watchtower".
    Was your heating system infiltrated by a Jehovah's witness (or two - they always go around in twos - diabodic)
    Red Nose Day went well.
    G is bringing home a takeaway - the usual.
    I'm starving - no time to eat today.
    Have a fun w/e

  2. Anonymous12:25 am

    Sounds supicious to me! if you really did let the water out you would have big problems with air in radiators so it was probably just the water that circulates through the coil in the hot water tank.
    I wonder (slightly) what "the usual" take away is?
    I think I have either lost my readership while I was away or I have bored everybody to death since I returned.

  3. Anonymous10:01 pm

    A cleaner! We have a Dyson- but it was easy to find- in Argos initially, but generally now found in the cupboard under the stairs.

    Elaine wants to hire Kathrine out as an overnight babysitter when we are in Wales- it is killing us off after 3 weeks. Th other problem that we have is that Mr. T NEVER EVER EVER... EVER stops talking at the moment- he just goes on and on.... Imagine.... Katherine is crying.... 'Whats's she saying daddy? Has she pooed. Is your car a renault begamme, It's not a noisy one is it, when I wake up, where am I going today, I like that baby Mozart don't I, Baby Mozart is a composer you know....' and so on, literally all day. He even spent 20 minutes talking to some woman on the bus about her car today- she has a Clio sport if you are interested- it is black and quite noisy- and a bit dirty. Anyway, as Uncle, you can talk to him for the duration of the Welsh adventure.


  4. Anonymous9:51 am

    prawn puree
    chicken biryani
    pashwari nann
    (not sure about spellings)
    I'll babysit, but I can't wetnurse!
    Tim must take after my Mother, she talked a lot -not good on cars, though.
    Off to make a cake - Paula & Jessie over for a light lunch.
    Chocolate or coffee or plain.
    Decisions, decisions.....
