Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Happy Birthday MK

It's MK's birthday today.

Yesterday was a busy one. I picked the kids up a bit early as they were not on top form in the morning. We went and bought wrapping paper and then wrapped MK's birthday presents and made cards for her.

Then after dinner and clearing up, MK went to gymnastics so I made a birthday cake and painted the door frames, skirting boards and floor in the basement. That took me up to 11:30 and left me rather sick of painting on my hands and knees. The floor paint isn't really the colour we were expecting, but it costs a fortune so there is very little chance of us changing it. Tonight we will be celebrating a bit and I have a guitar lesson so it should be a less tiring evening.


  1. Anonymous12:07 am

    Happy Birthday MK.
    Strange choice of cake decoration.
    What a perfect husband/dad!

  2. That isn't her real cake, it was a chocolate cake decorated by J and DK.
