Monday, July 21, 2008

A wedding, some bile and babies feet.

The weekend didn't run exactly according to plan. The wedding on Saturday was lovely and it was great to see my old school friends again.

However, I think I had a bad pint (either the thirteenth or the fourteenth I think) and so I was rather ill. I left the do at about 3am and it took me 4 hours to get home as a result of poor bus choices and a lack of trains. I slept at least an hour at 2 different stations and it was rather chilly!

Sunday was spent hugging the toilet. I think I may have had some food poisoning to be honest as I wasn't that drunk and I really was very sick for the entire day. Thankfully I have recovered during the day today.

This morning DK had his casts changed and his first bath. We were very happy to see that his feet are heading in the right direction. MK has also been shopping for some post baby clothes and looks pretty hot in her new jeans and stripy top


  1. Anonymous5:59 pm

    You look like a million bucks MK! And DK TOO!
    I can see the improvement in his feet even only iPhone screen!

  2. Anonymous9:51 pm

    Congratulations Kathryn on being so skinny again we're all green with envy; but not as green as William was....4 hours to get home,was this in any way due to his inebriated state. I think he should have commandeered a toilet and stayed there.aj

  3. Anonymous11:30 pm

    Well done, K.
    D looks to be doing well, & very clean.
    Did W eat prawns?

  4. Anonymous12:20 pm

    did he have a big bowl of Alpen or is that only poison to Ben?
