Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Water Powered Heating

When I got home from Sweden yesterday I was told that we had finally run out of heating oil. This was bad  timing as the drive is completely dug up making access to the oil tank difficult and our new heating system is now being connected at the end of the week so buying more oil seemed both wasteful and difficult.

Then I had a brainwave.

Our boiler stops working when the measuring stick says that there is still 150 litres left in the tank.
Oil floats on water.

Having nothing to lose and a hot shower this morning to gain, I put 20 litres of water into the oil tank. After a few minutes for the water to settle, I managed to get the boiler going again and MK and I could have hot showers this morning.

I felt very smug and clever.


  1. Anonymous10:53 am

    You are.
    Sounds like excellent timing to me, you can always shower at T & Bs - may have to be cold though, so I hear.
    Lovely day here - you have the storms?

  2. on the other hand, I don't think there is ever a good morning to have to get up and have a stone cold shower!

  3. Anonymous9:32 pm

    Flushed with success ?
