Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Cramp and minerals

More or less as soon as I went on a diet to lose some weight, I started getting pretty bad cramps in the night. It was actually a bit of a problem being woken up 2 or 3 times during the night and hopping around the room trying to get rid of the cramp. I had a suspicion that it was related to my having cut out dairy products so last week I got (MK to get me) some mineral supplement tablets. I was already taking a multi-vitamin with minerals, but now I have started on these as well (9 per day!) and it seems to have solved the problem. Gone are the constantly twitching calf muscles and I am now sleeping much better.

Sometimes it's nice to have a hunch about something and actually be right!


  1. Anonymous3:13 pm

    Nice colours.
    Do you take one of each?

  2. Anonymous11:18 pm

    Love the colors!

  3. This is just a stock photo of some nice coloured pills. The ones I take and oatmeal coloured and not at all interesting.

  4. Anonymous10:08 am

    I suspected that.
    Apparently walnuts can give the same feel good factor as chocolate, with less damage to the waistline.
    I shall buy big bags today, as gifts!
    Thomas is 4 today.

  5. I don't like walnuts and I am apparently allergic to hazelnuts. I do like almonds though. The only problem is that they are rather fattening.

    Could you get a present for THomas from us?
