Thursday, August 19, 2010

The hectic schedule returns

We are getting back into the swing of things here although DK is resisting his assimilation into daycare with some vigor. It is an especially gut wrenching thing to peel your screaming kid off your shoulder and hand him over, still screaming, to another person and then leave the room. I know that he stops the crying within a minute because I am just outside the door putting my shoes back on, but it's not fun all the same.

Each evening we have planned to watch a movie, but by the time the kids are asleep and the lunches made for the following day, it is getting on for 9 and MK is more or less ready for bed. Maybe we'll manage it tonight.


  1. Anonymous9:15 pm

    He just loves Mum & Dad.
    It'll get better.
    I should have done a week's au pairing, taking, fetching & cooking, DK could have had his upset at home.

  2. Anonymous3:25 pm

    Oh dear, welcome to our world! Not the kicking and screaming bit as thankfully both T&K have been going to Mandy's forever now (in fact, they can't wait to get there, which is another emotional wrench from a different angle!!) - but the whole getting in from work and then preparing for the next day bit! Its hard, but you will just get into the routine of it again.

