Thursday, October 30, 2008

3 Today

I'd like to say it's flown, but to be honest I can't remember what life was like before J arrived but it must have been relaxing and overloaded with free time!

There are currently 11 under 3s in our living room eating home made bread rolls of their Lightening McQueen plates.

Tonight J has chosen a gourmet menu - tacos followed by ice cream.

For anyone interested, DK had his second night in hospital with his mum last night and seems to be getting better.


  1. Happy Birthday J from across the world.
    and to DK - life has other things to offer you besides leg-irons and enemas - just you wait!

  2. Anonymous7:11 pm

    Happy Birthday J!
    Sounds like you've had a lovely day.
    Lots of love P,A J & T xxxx
    PS Glad to hear DK getting better.

  3. Anonymous5:46 pm

    Happy Birthday J.
    The party looks great - I wish that we could all have been there.
    What was daddy doing on line at such a time?
