Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Which Superhero am I?

I know that this is something that you've all been wondering, so here is the answer:

You Are Batman

Billionaire playboy by day. Saving the world by night.
And you're not even a true superhero. Just someone with a lot of expensive toys!

It seems that J has started to move along the path to walking, he has started to walk around with his little trolly thing in the living room. I have been showing him how to do this, but this time he decided to have a go on his own, much to our amazement.


  1. Aw! He looks adorable!
    Heh heh....just got expensive toys...well, if its any consolation, I loves Batman. I remember watching the cartoons when I was small, and eating the Batman soup stuff..! That stuff was AWESOME!

  2. Anonymous9:21 pm

    Where did my comment disappear to?
    I don't understand this lark. You have to put in a meaningless code which then changes, put in another & then it steals you message.
    Anyway, what a star!
    I think that your regular superheroes have to walk unaided, if not actually fly, though I may be wrong.Perhaps he's saving that for 21 Oct. Love M.
