Monday, October 17, 2011

Weekend in the sunshine

This is not my picture - our battery was flat. The sun was shining whilst we were there.
We have had a nice relaxed weekend with my mum visiting. Saturday morning was spent buying food and me making a stew whilst Mum made an (unintentionally) huge Victoria sponge cake at my request. The cake was supposed to be a mere 4 egg number, but having miscalculated the amount of butter/margarine required, it ended up being 8 eggs!
After lunch we went to Gyrstinge for a walk in the forest and to see the lake before returning to some delicious stew and dumplings and a lot of cake.
Sunday morning was the usual combination of me taking J to football whilst DK went to gymnastics with MK. We spent the evening with MK's parents having more good food and also got to see K,L&A.
Sorry this is becoming incomprehensibly filled with acronyms.

Anyway, today I am working again and the rest of the gang are in Copenhagen at the Royal Ballet to see Bamse and Kylling Ballet which is a kids ballet with some much loved children's TV characters dancing with the royal ballet.

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