Friday, October 28, 2011

Good week

This has been a pretty good week. I have worked hard, but everything has more or less gone as well as I could have hoped and both of my current projects are as well on track as I could wish for.

At the moment the house is quiet as J's birthday party are on a treasure hunt down the road with MK and her parents. The peace is exquisite after the last hour and a half of frantic screaming. I have helped with cake decorations and cooking.

Cake decorating master class

Skeleton bread rolls

The Party

Cake in action

My arm has been driving me a bit mad as I can't rest my forearm on desks or tables and the healing up abrasion is very itchy. Must learn to stop falling off.
My yellow and green arm after last weekend's crash
I am pretty sure that this weekend will be a long and tough one as it's J's birthday which will involve a great deal of over-excitement and the inevitable tears and tantrums that go with it. Let's hope it goes well...


  1. Anonymous10:12 pm

    Happy birthday Jeremy. Is today the day ? aj demented

  2. Party fare looks amazing.
    Well done.
    3 day event, or is it more?

    Article in paper - "My day on a plate" - Tanya Streeter
    (free-diver)on your diet:
    .....she consumes only vegetables & proteins, which is quite unbalanced.
    Hope you're healing well.

  3. Except I eat lots of beans which are carbs. FFS how many times d we have to go through that one?

    The big day is sunday aj.

  4. Right, just eat what you like then, as long as it's not turkey & beans for Christmas.
