Thursday, October 13, 2011

Jet Lag

It's been pretty difficult to get out of bed the last couple of mornings. Last night it was also quite difficult to fall asleep until I remembered to take a melatonin tablet which did seem to help.

When the alarm clock went off this morning, I discovered that DK was in the bed beside me and it was again a huge effort to get out of the bed and into the shower. I did make it though and we all managed to get out of the house on time which was quite something as both MK and I had to go to Copenhagen for the day which meant an early start.

I have promised DK to take him to work with me tomorrow. I may live to regret that offer, but he wasn't at all impressed at being left in daycare this morning and I seem to be a sucker for his puppy dog eyes.
This may have been my warmest birthday ever - note the shorts!

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