Friday, February 25, 2011


It hasn't been above freezing here since we got back from holiday. The wind is coming from the East bringing all the Siberian cold with it along with some rather nice sunshine. There is still ice in the sea and the wind is betterly cold.

On the plus side, it seems that I have won the war with the supermarket over my parking ticket and they will refund me the 590kr (£60 or $100) fine I got before the holiday when I forgot to set my parking timer. On top of that I have the satisfaction of knowing that I have inconvenienced several people at the shop. the shopping centre and the car park company in the process as well as copying my initial letter to the local paper.

Will this change anything? I doubt it, but it feels good!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:17 pm

    Well done.
    Should you consider entering politics?
