Thursday, June 22, 2006

If you change nothing, nothing changes

This has been my thought for the week. In many aspects of live I am good at making things happen, but others I tend to leave as they are.
I am sitting in Warsaw in an IT workshop looking forward to getting home again tonight, but I am hoping that by applying my new mantra at meal times and when I am sitting on the sofa instead of exercising or doing something useful (not really that common) then I will get fitter and achieve more, thus becoming a happier, better person.
Simple really, now we are into phrase 2 for the day
"Easier said than done"


  1. Anonymous6:56 am

    well, if I change nothing you wont see this comment either, as none of my previous repartee has registered. I'll go for "anonymous".
    OFSTED over & I'm alive & did pretty well - talked them to death(not like me!) Forgotten how to sleep after a week of getting up at all hours to do something extra or just worry about what I'd done/not done.
    Drayton Manor Park today with the leavers. I have prayed for fine weather. GN aka Mum

  2. Anonymous7:00 am

    It worked!
    Photo of you all,especially Jeremy, gets the day off to a good start.
    Why can I only spell check in welsh? GN

  3. Anonymous7:55 pm

    This could get seriously introspective.
    Ever invented an invisible friend for company - even an alien?
    is the bike just escape or excuse?
    Talk about the meaning of life!

  4. THe bike is not really escape, not wanting to escape is the usual reason for not going out on it. As for the inventerd friends: no, why would i?
    See the next self indulgant post for details
