Friday, November 09, 2012


MK and I have the night off from the kids tonight so that we can go and see Skyfall (the new James Bond film for those of you living under a rock).

We're also going to eat at the Paleo place again so there'll be duck gizzard strew and meat based pizza on the menu as well.

Tomorrow morning there is a final Finn sailing meeting at Vallensbæk sailing club so I am going to watch. At the moment, I'd really like to race next year, but I don't know if the boat I have is race-able when considering:
  • Legality
    • I have no buoyancy certificate, measurement or weight certificate 

  • Safety
    • Will it just sink if/when I capsize?
    • Is it just going to fall apart in heavy weather?
  • Competitiveness
    • It's (she's?) 30 years old
    • Modern boats have carbon masks and kevlar sails - I don't
    • If there are other old boats out on the water, then that's fine.

I'm looking forward to meeting the guys sailing Finns in Denmark and getting some advice about how to get back onto the water.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:37 pm

    You can't beat a vintage craft.
    Lokking forward to seeing Sky.... next week.
