Monday, June 11, 2012

Flying weekend

Blimey, where did that go?

Firstly, I must say that the weather really isn't as good as it should be. It's cold enough that we lit the fire one night last week and wished we had last night as well. It has also been fairly wet and windy this last week too.

Thankfully, we have dodged most of the rain over the weekend with only 5 minutes in the shower on friday evening at J's school party. The party was fun, there was plenty of wine available in exchange for our tickets, especially when I didn't eat much and I spent a bit of time talking to an English woman who's son is in the 3rd grade along with her husband who lived in England for 20 years and a kiwi friend of theirs. It was also very funny watching DK riding a Segway on his own, but unfortunately we didn't have a camera to hand.

I managed a couple of hours cycling on Saturday morning before J and I went to the football club for an aftenoon and evening of playing games and watching Denmark beat Holland 1 - 0. We went to be late and I was woken quite a lot by vomiting kids and the like so I think I managed about 4 hours sleep on a hard floor.

Sunday was much more relaxed and luxurious with the christening of K&L's twins followed by a "do" at a local golf club and thankfully an early-ish night.

Next weekend is clear so I am hoping to get some good training in in the next 10 days before my next race.

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