Yesterday was a really good day. DK and I had an appointment with the physiotherapist near CPH first thing in the morning. It was good to get some exercises to do and DK was great at doing as he was told and trying some new things. We then went to a cafe to kill half an hour before the shoe shop opened for us to get him some less wintry shoes. He has been wearing some cast off winter boots from J since his casts came off and they clearly don't fit very well around his ankles making his inherent wobbliness worse.
We managed to get some new sandals for the summer, but they were sold out of normal shoes so we were told what to get and came home to order them.
The remainder of the afternoon was spent collecting the boys new bikes (photos later) and getting new tyres for the car. The mechanic had to use a blow torch and a lot of hammering to get the rusty winter wheels of the car but he managed it after an hour of hard manual labour.
We managed a quick spin on the bikes just after we had picked them up and then J and I went for a ride after dinner so that he could master his gears. I think DK may be a bit slower to get to grip with pedalling than J was, but he'll get there.
Back to the grind , then.